Jul 7, 2023

New Vision Boarding Workshop in Falmouth This July

Vision Boarding is back on Sunday 23rd July, and I'm so looking forward to hosting this style of workshop as we haven't done one for quite a while! It combines my love of words with some hands on visual creativity and play.

Join me for a creative morning of vision boarding with all materials provided ~ celebrating the height of Summer with a reminder of what you love, what makes you go 'YES' and what you'd like to cultivate more of in your life. This will be tied in with our general group conversations about maintaining positive wellbeing and connection, both for ourselves and our communities.

We'll use pictures and words to create a visual reminder of what's important to us as we move into the second half of the year. It's also a gorgeous opportunity to share ideas and inspiration with others in the process. (Although there is never any pressure to share, listening is also very welcome!)

Gaining Self-Awareness

We'll use pictures and words to create a visual reminder of what's important to us as we move through the darker months of the year. Using found imagery and text you can add energy to a blank page and end up with a personal piece that is unique, and could only have been made by you at that particular time in that particular circumstance.

What you each create is in itself a tool for self-reflection. Why did you choose the colours, shapes and patterns that you did? What drew you to including a certain word or phrase?

Speaking (or Sticking!) It Out In The World

It's also a gorgeous opportunity to share ideas and inspiration with other people. You can do vision boards at home, but in a group environment we gain a lot by talking a little bit about our creation process and welcoming external reflections from the rest of the group. It's also nice to notice similarities and differences, and the range of ways that people can approach the same activity.

Keeping It Visible

When we journal, it often gets tucked away in a notebook after we've finished writing. Whilst this is still valuable as it percolates in the mind for a few days, a vision board can be more easily accessible once you've left the workshop and are back to the business of life!

Display it on a desk, on the fridge, on your bedside table - anywhere that keeps the positive vision and energy at the forefront of your mind for a little bit longer. It can also be nice for those you live or work with to see it too, to allow them some more insight into your vision.

You might have described an idea vocally to a partner or friend, but seeing it laid out visually can add new levels of understanding.

You Can't Get It Wrong!

This is meant to be an enjoyable experience! There are no rules, except being safe with scissors and being nice to people (that includes yourself). It's an opportunity for expressive play, and how often do you fit that into your adult life? Think cutting and sticking, coloured pens, stencils, stickers and cups of tea and biscuits!

We'd love to have you join us for this first workshop. Sliding scale of ticket fees, pay what you can manage - £15, £18 or £20. Tea & coffees will be provided with light refreshments, as well as all the materials you'll need.

Please do email and ask if you have any questions. Otherwise, you can BOOK HERE!