This month I had the amazing opportunity to top up my wellness coaching skills and qualifications at a week-long retreat in Mallorca.
Led by Master Coach Trainer Gillian McMichael, the course was an ICF accredited Continuing Coach Education which focused on Meditation, Mindfulness and Wellness - so perfect for the work I'm doing, and offered in an amazing location with a small dedicated group of other coaches. I had the BEST week!
Just A Few Things We Did:
Daily 7am meditation & yoga
Took a silent mindfulness walk to the coast
Explored the four cornerstones of wellness and what they mean for us
Journaled and shared reflections on our own wellness and growth
Swam in the sea (actually that was just me, you can't keep me away!)
Practiced one-to-one wellness coaching sessions with each other
Observed coaching by others
Took a very cute little tram through the local town!
Ate a lot of delicious meals and desserts
Explored different breathwork techniques and their effects on the nervous system
Shared conversations about our different coaching experiences
Led group meditations
Studied the chakras as a way to balance ourselves before holding space for others
Discussed the need for mindfulness and wellness coaching in the world today
Got comfortable with silence
Looked at the Karpman Drama Triangle in the context of coaching
Candlelit yoga nidra by the pool
Read around the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success as inspiration for meditations
Took advantage of the beautiful location for some 'brand photos'
Set intentions for the year to come
Wrote, declared and released them in a fire ceremony to close the week
It was a lot to pack into five days and yet I have come away so much more energised and nourished than before. I have a long list of plans and projects for the future and feel really well equipped to start making them happen.
A New Mantra

From receiving coaching, my main takeaway is to adopt a new mantra: ‘Believe that it can be easy’ 💫
My session with @gillian_mcmichael helped me to notice the ways that I’m holding myself back by cautioning everything that might not work, or could be too hard. We all have conditioning and patterns in our thinking, and my self protective nature has been a little on overdrive recently (understandably after the last few years!)
I’m now playing with the new idea of believing that things will flow with least effort, and that they could feel easy. By adding this belief to my current way of thinking, I’m going to move towards a better balance 🙏🏼 It’s the classic cliche ‘get out of your own way’…
Moving Forward
In the immediate future we have our new Women's Circles starting next week and running every other Thursday through the Summer, and then a new date at Potager for a Summer Abundance journaling workshop on 1st July.
In the next month or so I will have space to offer one-to-one wellness coaching sessions again, which is something I have been wanting to do for a long time and now the moment is right!
I'm going to make the most of the amazing online capacity for workshops, which I haven't being doing as much recently. There are so many of you outside Cornwall that I would love to connect with more often.
I also have retreat days and some collaborations in the pipeline, and as with many things it's often word of mouth and personal recommendations that make very special things happen, so please do connect me with anyone you think could be a good fit. I love working with other people who are interested in wellness and coaching!
Other than that, I'd love to know if there's anything you'd like to see from Strength in Feathers this year? Send me an email to hello@strengthinfeathers.com or message on Instagram to let me know.
Can you tell that I'm excited!?
Best Wishes,
Emily xx