Marketing Mindset Coaching Package
For Wellness Entrepreneurs Marketing Their Gifts To The World
Imagine approaching all your marketing from this mindset:
The powerful marketing paradox is that the less you worry about sales, the more you will sell! A confident, assured approach that is deeply authentic will attract your ideal clients and customers. However, if you feel unsure about your self, then unfortunately this has the opposite effect...
Don't worry, we can change that!
What we do in coaching is meet all parts of yourself - inner child, inner critic, grounded adult and inner dreamer! We listen to them and decide if they have anything useful to say. Once they've been heard we can alchemise each of them into supporting you and your business - often our biggest icks are hiding the most powerful messages!
Understanding these helps us create next-level depth of marketing content.
We also work to help your body get comfortable with the bravest version of yourself. From a regulated nervous system, our grounded adult (rather than inner child or inner critic) has a much stronger chance of running the show. Our grounded adult is the one we appoint as chief of marketing...​

How Do We Begin?
If you're ready to deeply explore what's holding you back from marketing your brilliant self at the next level, congratulations!
You're sending a huge signal that you believe in yourself and your work.
I'd love to help you, and we can begin by having a free call to hear more about where you're at and if my coaching package is right for you.
After this, your six coaching sessions can be arranged over 6 or 12 weeks, online or in person in Falmouth, Cornwall. Your investment is £650, plus your dedicated time and energy over the course of your coaching journey.
Is It Right For You?
It's in both our interests for me to be as clear as possible about who my work helps!
The ideal candidate for this coaching package:
Is open to expansion and ready to grow.
Feels the interconnectedness of personal and professional.
Can be honest and vulnerable about what's not working, in order to shift it and start working differently.
Has an abundance mindset: when they invest in learning and growth, they replenish what they spend.
Values long-term, deep change over quick fixes.
Brings a sparkle because they know how incredible their work has the potential to be!
If you're looking for a numbers-driven marketing strategy and sending out paid ads, that's not what I do (purely because it isn't my specialist interest) but I can put you in touch with some great people.
I'm passionate about heart-led marketing which attracts specific and aligned clients and customers - think depth rather than breadth! I believe this is what the world needs more of, bringing the human heart and soul back to our digital world.
If you agree, let's chat! Message me below:

Contact Me About Marketing Coaching
"The tools that Emily provided have supported my work and will continue to support me in the future as I continue to apply them."
How I Have Helped:
"Emily guides her sessions with such ease while ensuring the focus of each session is met. Her coaching approach is kind and open and allows for deeply transformational change."
"It challenged me to think about things differently and how journaling can help me stay positive and build resilience on days when life is more challenging."