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emily wheeler copywriting falmouth cornwall

Hi, I'm Emily! Content Writer &  Mindset Coach

​​I help wellness entrepreneurs and dream-followers cultivate self trust and stay on their chosen path, even when old habits and doubts are trying to run the show! This transforms independent business marketing and brings ideal clients and customers to your business.


I do this with: 


1 to 1 Marketing Mindset Coaching

- Group Workshops & Retreats

- Online Resources

- One Off Consultancy Sessions


I also work with a select number of clients to manage their social media content creation and copywriting for them on an ongoing basis.

Find out about this here.


Who Am I On Paper?


Meditation, Mindfulness and Wellness Coach (ICF accredited)


Blue Health Coach (ICF accredited)


Yin Yoga Teacher (70hrs - Yoga Alliance)


BA Hons English & Visual Culture (University of Exeter)


MA Creative & Critical Writing (University of Winchester)


7 Years Experience Working In Both Freelance and In-House Marketing Roles


Qualifications can be a useful indication of someone's knowledge base, but my belief is that they are only a tiny fraction of who we are. Have a read of my writing, follow my socials, or come along to an event to get to know me and see if you'd like to work together.

strength in feathers logo

​Falmouth, Cornwall

© Strength in Feathers/Emily Wheeler 2025

Branding Photos by @teegan_azaria 

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