One of the many things I love about living here in Cornwall is that Spring seems to sneak in extra early. Although there's still a chill in the air, signs of renewal and hopeful spring progress are already emerging.
Snowdrop buds are showing their tips of white amongst the soil in my garden, and there is a subtle change in the light over the sea - we've had the most amazing greens and turquoises this week.
Imbolc: the beginning of spring
The celtic festival of Imbolc has been traditionally celebrated on the first of February, as a time for releasing the stagnant energies of deepest winter and creating space for new growth. Thoughts and feelings which have been ruminating for months can be released from wherever we have been holding them. Many people like to do a 'spring clean' or tidy of their house and garden at this time, matching natural earthy rhythms with practical, tangible tasks. Lifting the dust and aerating your rooms is refreshing and enlivening, especially on a cold day.
Celebrating renewal in February may feel premature for those of us used to starting our spring rituals in March or April, but Imbolc marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. And this year, I'm ready!
In the Northern Hemisphere, the year is quartered by the longest day, the longest night, and the two days where day and night are of balanced and equal length (the equinoxes). Imbolc is the mid-step between the Winter and Spring transition. To me, there is something beautiful about the gentle humility of this 'festival'. Transformational seasonal shifts do not happen overnight, and this subtle celebration marks just the beginning of 'coming back to life' - not yet ready for the full flourish.
Natural Rhythms
This Autumn and Winter I have been living more mindfully in tune with rhythms of energy from the natural world - recognising the need to retreat and reflect in the darkest months. My energy and motivation need this slower and less productive time to process the busy and active Summer. I need to rest, and digest, all that I've learnt over the year.
A monotonous, steady output all-year-round is a different way of working, and one that doesn't suit all of us so well. Accepting a fluctuation in productivity has been really helpful for me - slowing down and reducing the pressure in colder months.
Inviting Opportunity
Now could also be the perfect time to invite opportunities for what has been learnt in the 'slow times' to come to the surface and start to bud, unfurl and eventually blossom.
Clear the way and create space for patient waiting. Good things will come!