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What is #100DaysOfBlue 2023 and Can Anyone Join In?

Strength in Feathers is pleased to be joining this year's #100DaysOfBlue! It's totally free to join in and absolutely everyone is welcome, all the way from 29th May to 5th September 2023.

The campaign was created ten years ago by Lizzi at Going Coastal Blue and Wallace J Nicholls, author of Blue Mind.

Each year, they invite and encourage you to get near, in, on, or under water to gain all the emotional and physical health benefits that time in blue space brings. This year the wider and growing #bluehealthcoach community (including me!) are on hand to invite and encourage more and more people to get out into blue spaces.

How Can I Join In?

There is no formal commitment, this is a fun way to boost your wellbeing and nature connection over the summer months. If you'd like to do every day, do it! If you'd like to hashtag us in, even better. Being part of the wider community of blue health enthusiasts is brilliant, and you can dip in and out as much as you like. Some days I expect I'll listen to a song, the sound of the sea, or take a walk instead. There's no pressure, and you do what you need each day.

(Strength in Feathers encourages connection to each other and nature, but any activity is at your own risk and SinF cannot take any responsibility.)

What's the Theory Behind Blue Mind?

During my Blue Health Coach course in 2020, I gained a deeper understanding of the ways in which the water can help out health and wellbeing. This is something I have always known intuitively, but it was fascinating to spend the week learning the science behind the magic, and developing strategies for sharing the benefits with the wider community. I spoke about this on a guest blog post with Quiet Connections, which you can read here.

Share Your Stories!

I'd love to do a guest post series of blogs, collating the experiences of others who love connecting with the water. Send me a paragraph, or longer if you can, along with a picture (this doesn't have to be of you, as long as you have permission to use it) to with the Subject '100 Days of Blue Guest Post'. I can't wait to read your stories, and would love to share them with our wider community.

Enjoy the BLUE,

Emily x

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